Tuesday, August 31, 2010

100 Random things about me.

I really didn't think I could do this. 100 random things about yourself is hard. BUT - someone asked me to do it, so I did. Here goes....let me know what you think:

100 Random things about me:

1.love Macaroni and Cheese. Doesn't matter what kind, brand, or who made it. I love it.

2. You never know what you will hear on my IPod. Maybe Bach, maybe KD Lang, maybe Kidd Rock, maybe ZZ Top, maybe Keith Urban, maybe Etta James, maybe Tupac . I love all kinds of music. It's what feeds my soul. They will have to pry my IPod out of my cold dead hands. I want to be buried with my IPod ...playing random songs in my ears.

3. I read two to three books a week. I LOVE to read.

4. I have a business on the side. Custom art work, purses etc. www.starlightbutterfly.com

5. I am addicted to Project Runway. I realize it’s silly – but none the less, I watch it religiously.

6. When I retire I want to retire to Vegas.

7. I have 7 tattoos and will be getting more. I LOVE tattoos.

8. My daughter is the one person who can make me laugh when I feel like shit.

9. My kids are amazing.

10. I love thunderstorms.

11. When I was little I wanted to be a writer when I grew up.

12. I want to be a writer when I grow up.

13. When I was little I wanted to be a nurse when I grew up.

14. Most of my very best friends are nurses. I admire them more than I can say.

15. I hate my job. Let me clarify. I love where I work, despise what I do.

16. If I could stay home and never leave my house ever I would not be upset.

17. I have never been west of Kansas - except Vegas.

18. I have never seen the ocean.

19. I love to fly.

20. Some day I want to meet Paula Deen.

22. I would really like to meet Tim Gunn or Heidi Klum someday too.

22. My favorite movie ever is "The Enchanted Cottage".

23. I love to play Texas Hold 'Em. When I grow up maybe I could be a professional poker player. 0r not.

24. I met my husband online 15 years ago when people didn't meet each other online. We met in a chat room. Not on a dating site. It was scary and fabulous and he is the most amazing person I have ever known- even though he drives me crazy most of the time.

25. I have recently discovered a passive aggressive tendency in myself. I find it to be interesting.

26. I don’t own a single shirt that isn’t intended for work that doesn’t have paint on it.

27. I used to think I was a good friend. Now I’m not so sure.

28. I love scary movies. Especially the ones that make me jump!

29. My first grandchild is on his way. I have looked forward to this for as long as I can remember.

30. I want to give my grandson the same kind of memories my grandma gave me.

31. In my next life, I want to be Carrie Underwood.

32. Ketchup is evil and must be destroyed. ( As we have previously determined)

33. I grew up living on a lake. There is nothing in the world like falling asleep to the sounds of the June bugs and frogs serenading the fireflies.

34. Ice cold Diet Coke with a squeeze of lemon is the bomb.

35. Someday I would like to learn to play the saxophone.

36. I love animals. Especially dogs. And birds.

37. Some day, I want to have an African Grey Parrot, or a Scarlett Macaw. I will never be able to afford either one.

38. I think George Clooney and Johnny Depp are sexy as hell – and I don’t care who knows it.

39. I wish I could take lessons in how to paint with oils. I am mostly winging it, and have not impressed myself so far.

40. Some day, I would like to have a long arm sewing machine and the room to house it.

41. My idea of heaven is a good book, a bottle of wine, a lounge chair on a nice shaded screened porch and all the time in the world to nap and read. . . uninterrupted.

42. I am a fundraiser and event planner at heart. Some day – I would like to have a job that allows me to do those things.

43. Nothing makes me madder than to have car problems. It is inconvenient, and costs more money than it’s worth.

44. My libation of choice is an extra extra dry Bombay Sapphire martini with an extra olive, shaken not stirred.

45. My second choice would be an ice cold Fat Tire. ( beer, not the Goodyear on the car)

46. I love to go to the movies. . . with a big huge bucket of movie popcorn, ah course.

47. I have been called “anal” where my work is concerned, but I prefer to categorize myself as highly organized and efficient.

48. My absolute favorite summertime treat is a hot fudge sundae, followed closely by watermelon.

49. If I were given a choice between having a million dollars or having my health, I would choose my health.

50. Only because I can work for money – sometimes no matter how hard you work your health doesn’t necessarily improve.

51. I am a tad bit paranoid about what others think of me. I realize it is a waste of energy but I can’t help myself.

52. Carrot cake is the bomb.

53. My favorite way to clean the house is with the stereo blasting 80’s big hair band music.

54. I figure if you have to clean, you might as well have fun doing it.

55. One of my biggest regrets is that I never got to see Michael Jackson live in concert.

56. I am deathly allergic to bees. Literally. I get a bee sting, I go down.

57. I can eat a big plate of spaghetti while watching “Trauma: Life in the E.R” with no problem at all.

58. But the sound of someone vomiting will make me vomit as well.

59. As long as we are discussing things that are gross – I can change a nasty diaper for a family member –but non-family member diapers make me sick to my stomach.

60. I wish I could play the guitar like Keith Urban.

61. I wish I could play the piano like Liberace.

62. I hate to wear shoes. If I am inside a building for longer than 20 minutes, the shoes come off.

63. I have to have a fan blowing on me while I sleep. No matter how cold it is. However, I also must have a cover of some kind as well. Even if it is 100 degrees out. Fan on, blanket on. Bizarre I know.

64. Cats irritate me. They have that “cat” attitude that makes it difficult to trust them. And they shed.

65. I believe if you go to a live sporting event you should be allowed to have a cold beer while attending. Even little league games. But that’s just me.

66. I am somewhat of a sports junkie.

67. I love football, hockey, basketball, and even baseball. Although I won’t watch baseball on TV. That’s entirely too boring. Like watching paint dry.

68. I have a pact with two of my friends. If I ever end up in a vegetative state, they will make sure I have on Chap Stick, a bra, and something interesting on the TV.

69. I will return the favor.

70. I am highly irritated by people who act like they are better than me. My feeling is, just because you have a better education – or upbringing – than me doesn’t make you better than me. It only makes you different.

71. I could eat mashed potatoes and gravy with every meal. Cream gravy – ah course.

72. I only use Jergins Hand Lotion – original scent. It makes me think of my grandma.

73. I only use Tide, and Downy – it makes me think of my grandma.

74. I avoid Walmart like the plague. It makes me a little crazy – and overly hostile to have to go there.

75. I hate to pump my own gas. I am totally capable of doing it, but really would rather not.

76. I love to mow the yard. My husband won’t let me do it, but I would love it if he would let me.

77. I hate my house. It’s tiny and I need more room. I have decorated it so nice though ( in my opinion) that I would love to be able to just add on a couple of rooms and call it good. My husband says absolutely not. We will have to move one day – to get the house we really want.

78. I hate to shop. Let me clarify – I hate to shop for clothes for myself. Shoes? LOVE it! ( shoes always fit) Purses? LOVE it! ( purses always fit) Craft supplies? Fabric? Books? Antiques? LOVE it all!

79. I wish I had the money to just go shop for the above without having to worry about how much I am spending.

80. I also wish just once in my life I could take a trip to Vegas and not have to worry about how much I am spending. Not that I would gamble my face off – ( I probably would) but I would like to be able to go to a show or two, have a nice meal or two, just really enjoy myself without having to pinch pennies.

81. I don’t think there are really 100 things that I can think of to say about myself.

82. I love sushi.

83. I sometimes think about how life would be if I were single. Not that I don’t love my husband – I do. But I have never in my life lived alone, with no one to answer to, no expectations to live up to. I’ve always had a room mate, a husband, or kids. I know it’s weird. But then – I’m weird.

84. When I grow up I want to be an interior decorator.

85. Or a pastry chef.

86. Or I would like to own and operate a bar.

87. One day – I want to take a ride in a hot air balloon.

88. I prefer night time over day.

89. And I prefer dark. I am forever turning off lights at my house, and in my office at work I never ever use the overhead light. I always use my lamps I brought from home.

90. I hate spring and summer.

91. Love winter.

92. But my favorite season of all is fall. When the air is cool and crisp, and the leaves are turning.

93. I believe in spirits and the ability to communicate in some way with them. I have had so many psychic events in my life I can’t mention them all.

94. I used to give psychic readings for a living.

95. I collect salt and pepper shakers. The kind that are called “go-togethers”. For example I have a set that the salt is a gun, and the pepper is a holster. One that the salt is Marilyn Monroe and the pepper is the pillow she is kneeling on. You get the picture, right?

96. I can forgive nearly anything. Except a lie. Don’t lie to me. I won’t be able to forgive you. At least not for a really really really long time

97. I’m glad I’m nearly to the bottom of this list. I am having to really think hard about the last few.

98. I like my eggs over easy or basted. Occasionally scrambled. Always with wheat toast.

99. And as long as we’re at it, I like my steak medium. Just this side of medium would be better. But if you say “medium rare” it comes out too red. So – medium it is.

100. I’m very shocked I thought of 100 random things about me.

There ya go! Whew!

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