Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It just dawned on me the other day that I have no idea what it's like to have a Dad.

NO - I wasn't a test tube baby. NO- the stork didn't drop me on my Moms doorstep. NO - I didn't grow in a cabbage patch.

I had an alcoholic sperm donor that spent his life drunk and ....I don't know where because it wasn't with me.

Yes. I had an awesome step Dad. But I was already a Freshman in High School when he popped in. He was too afraid to Father me. I was nearly a grown up by then. I thought I didn't need him. Then he died when I was about 25.

I don't know why I feel the need to talk about this - except to say - that if you are a Dad. Please be a Dad to your daughter. She needs you. She needs a Dad. All little girls need their Dad.

And ladies - if you are separated, divorced, estranged....whatever - let your kids have their Dad. ( it goes without saying that clearly this is only if the Dad is not some sort of freak. Abuser..etc.) While I understand that sometimes holding your kids as a way to get back at an ex can be delicious and satisfying, it ultimately only hurts the kids. So stop it. K?

So - I have no idea what it's like to have a Dad. And I sorely wish I did. And as you all now know - my mother is an alcoholic and a freak and makes my life miserable. So I guess I have no idea what it's like to have a Mom either. But this really was about Dads.

I'm babbling. Sorry.

Today I am thankful for the Internet. It helped me find my voice. And my husband. ( a million years ago before online dating sites. We met in a chat room. Cool huh?)

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