Wednesday, January 5, 2011


** I still can't sleep. I thought it was because of medicine that I am taking - (which it still could be), then I thought it was because of the break-in ( all that trauma ya'know), then I thought it was because I got my days and nights a little twisted when I was off work for 10 days for the holidays...Now I don't really give a crud why. I just need it to STOP. Cause I am exhausted but can't sleep.

** Speaking of the break-in...that started with someone ringing my doorbell and me not answering the door ( I didn't recognize them so I didn't answer. My mistake...they came back and broke in because they thought no one was home) last night I was home alone ( after work before my husband got home) and was in my craft room painting when the door bell rang. I jumped nearly out of my skin. My husband knew before I even told him what happened that something like that MUST have happened because when he got home, EVERY light in the house was on. It looked like you should be landing a plane on my street there was so much light. And anyone who knows me knows I prefer to have a very dim atmosphere around me. I usually have very little light on. Thank goodness I see the shrink tonight after work ( for the first time since it happened), I need to get my head screwed on right.

** An observation: Just because you can cram your size 18 body into a size 6 outfit doesn't mean you SHOULD.  And the reason no one is telling you you look like S**t is because of the old saying ..."if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all." Trust me. You look terrible. STOP it.

** Another observation: People only want to see around 4 or 5 pictures of your grandchildren opening Christmas presents. After the 5th picture of them with their hair a mess in their pajamas ripping open pretty paper....well quite frankly   they would like to poke themselves in the eye with a fork.

** Speaking of forks...if people can't learn a few simple table manners, they shouldn't be allowed to eat in public. If they can't chew their food with their lips closed ( I have learned with my kids telling them to chew with their mouth closed didn't make sense to them. Telling them to close their lips made sense and they dutifully did so at a very young age), refrain from trying to speak until they have swallowed said food, or ask to have something passed to them instead of reaching over everyone and everything - then they should be made to eat out of a trough like the pig that they are.

**Speaking of resolution of cleaning my mouth up hasn't gone so well. I guess I am dirty mouthed without even realizing it. This must stop.

Okay - well - enough randomness for one day. Happy hump day, ya'll.

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