Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday. Finally.

What a week.

Things are very strange around my world these days. Here's how it shapes up:

* Suicidal son is now living in our newly decorated guest room. I am betting he wasn't counting on spending most of his time in a girly guest room. It's very sad that his marriage is falling apart - but I know ( and what's better is HE knows) that it is for the best.

* Granny's lil' man is very content at her house. He sleeps growing like a weed - and unless he's tired, hungry or has a problem in his britches - he's pretty happy. He makes this granny smile like crazy - which is a good thing because I'm hanging on by a thread.

* All the boys ( Son, Grandson and Hubby) are sick. They all have a case of the crud. Stuffy/runny noses, cough, headache, etc. For some reason this Granny hasn't come down with it yet - the operative word being YET.

* I actually got to paint for a few hours the other night. Nothing special came of the attempt but it was great to be able to actually do it. I know I need to make sure I set time aside to paint - play piano- whatever - but when the baby is demanding something ya kind of stop and take care of that...grand baby or not. Don't get me wrong - my son has stepped up and is doing and awesome job with him - but sometimes - baby needs his granny. And that's okay by me.

* Only a few more hours of all the tenseness around the work place. I am looking forward to that. I just can't take it. I'm already covered hives and fever blisters from stress - I don't think I can take much more.

* It snowed like crazy last night - the roads were horrible this morning. I still love winter - love it love it.

* My AWESOME friend decided to release some of the tension at work by playing cupcake fairy. She flew in on her cupcake mobile and waved her magic cupcake wand and VOILA! Cupcakes for everyone. They were fantastic and I am so grateful to her for thinking of doing something to raise the morale around the office. She's the best!

* It's supposed to be in the 50's this weekend. I'm none too happy about that. I know I KNOW. Most of you freaks........ehhmm........PEOPLE - like spring and summer better. NOT me. So I am slowly mourning the loss of my dreary gray skies and snow. It won't be long and the snowpocolipse of 2011 will be but a memory.

* And it's FRIDAY. And it's PAY DAY! 'Nuff said.

1 comment:

  1. Sending happy thoughts your way. It sounds like you have an awful lot on your plate right now. You are right that you need to find time to do something for you -- it will help. Or let some things slide. Lots of things aren't as important as we think they are; they will keep.

    Just take care of you and your family. This time will pass.
