Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Best Line I EVER Heard One Of My Kids Say

This could very easily be the shortest blog post I have ever posted. This is by far the best line one of my kids has ever said. . . brace yourselves...

Okay so first a little back story - my husband and I were sitting at the dining room table and my 20 year old Son had just come over to visit. We were just shooting the breeze and my husband was being silly. He sort of reached over to tease me and ended up with his hand in a rather unfortunate place. Here's the exchange:

Me:  "Honey, don't grab my boob...not in front of the boy."
Hubby:  "They're mine. They became mine the day you married me."

And THEN.....the best line ever....ready? Here it comes.....

20 year old son says:  "WOW Dad, what does that say about your balls??"



  1. Totally funny!! Those balls are yours!

  2. That's hysterical! I guess even grown up kids can be funny :)
