Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Miss My Friend.

Let's talk friendship, shall we?

I used to think I had lots of friends. I used to think I was a good friend. I used to think that friendship came easily to me. I don't think so anymore.

The days of slumber parties, piling in the car and going to the mall, talking on the phone all hours of the night, passing notes in the hall - those days are long gone for me. Clearly. I mean, let's face it - I'm no spring chicken. (* II KKNNOOWW! II AAMM OONNLLYY 48. II KKNNOOWW!!*) I realize that I'm not over the hill, but the truth is I'm no highschool girl - no 20 something - heck I'm not even a 30 something...GAD! I'm ALMOST A 50 SOMETHING. ACKKKK.. ( Not that there is anything wrong with 50 something - I'm just saying that it can be a little shocking sometimes. To realize that I am so close to 50 something.)

I long for the days of slumber parties, piling in the car and going to the mall, talking on the phone all hours of the night and passing notes in the hall. Sometimes I just need a friend. I just need someone to talk to who isn't going to talk over me, or try to tell me how it should be, or tell me what the (solution according to them is), or one up me, or one worse me, or any combination of the before. I just need someone to hand me tissues and say "there there". Sometimes I just need a glass of ( insert beverage of choice), and a nice long bitch session with no interruption, no comparison, no assumption, no attempt at solving, nothing more than a "you sing it sister" and a firm clink of the glass. Is that too much to ask?

Now - I DO have a few good friends. Those of you out there reading this, you know who you are and I thank you profusely for your friendship - I think I'm just missing my friend Debbie - she's in Kansas and I'm not and I hate that. I miss her. I miss passing notes in the hall.

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