Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pig Sty's

I've decided to elaborate on something I said a couple of posts ago - and I'll quote:

" *I know that you can't live in a pig sty and stay healthy. Nor can you have a teeny little baby live in a pig sty and expect them to be healthy and thrive. "

I'm sure you're thinking - that's a random thing to say, where did that come from - right? Well - it's like this...I went to a baby shower for my daughter in law a couple of Saturdays ago - and after it was over I went to her apartment where my husband was helping the son put the new crib together. When I walked in the door I was stopped in my tracks. The smell was beyond disgusting. It was an awful mix of tobacco, cat pee and garbage. There was filth and muck and ehm...gross everywhere. Dirty dishes, empty soda cans, overflowing ashtrays ( I thought she had booted the boy outside to do his smoking, but clearly I was mistaken), trash - everywhere. And that smell. That awful smell. Just standing in the living room made me feel dirty. So much so that I refused to sit down anywhere.

I had to use the restroom - but once inside I decided to hold it as long as I could. I was willing to go outside and pee behind my van it was so gross.

I was disturbed that they were willing to give us a tour of the upstairs so we could see my ( soon to be here)grandson's room, as there was dirty clothes in heaps all over the landing upstairs. The bathroom door was standing open and clearly it was as bad or worse than the one downstairs, and when I stepped in to my sweet grand baby's bedroom the cat pee smell nearly knocked me over. I found it disturbing because obviously they aren't bothered by this.

I didn't raise my son to be this way. One of the most painful things my daughter in law ever said to me was that she wasn't comfortable in my home because it is always "clean and neat and tidy". I understand that not everyone keeps house the same way. My house is by no means a museum. But, I do try to keep it neat and picked up, and while it may not be sterile, it is at the very least - mother in law clean. ( clean bathroom, dusted, clutter hidden in and under things, trash taken out, febreeze sprayed around for good measure).

These two morons - ehm - kids - are fixin' to have a baby any minute. My sweet grandson could make an appearance literally any day now. Are they kidding? They truly think this is an appropriate environment for a baby?

I am at a loss. I feel like if I try to say something, they will not take it well. But I can't allow my grandson to become ill because my son and his wife don't mind living in a garbage dump. Do I take it to the extreme and call CPS? Of course not. Do I threaten to call CPS if they don't do something? That's what I would like to do.

I know I don't have many people that read this, but I sure could use some advice.

My grand baby deserves better than this.

1 comment:

  1. That kinda reminds me of my brother's place, and he raised 6 kids there. I think people living in that environment don't notice the smell because they're so used to it.

    I'm sorry but, while I can kinda empathise with your position, I have no advice for you.
