Monday, March 21, 2011

Confession is Good for the Soul

Hi. My name is Gypsy and I have a confession to make.

I have an addiction.

I think about it all the time. It makes me giddy when I think of it. When I get low on it...I have a panic attack. I look for it every where I go. I can either use it myself - or breathe it in when someone else uses it. I just am beside myself with anticipation whenever I know it's almost time to use again. I am euphoric when it's time. I close my eyes - take a nice long sniff.....ahhhhhhhhhhhh..........

Seriously? What did you think I was talking about? Can I just tell you there is nothing in the world that smells so sweet as a newly bathed baby slathered in Johnson's Bed Time lotion? OMG. I could just eat this little grand baby up.
Okay - so I am a nerd. I can't help it. I don't really have much of a life to speak of - so I blog about my latest addiction to baby products. How PATHETIC is that?

On the flip side - I am covertly thinking of and planning my trip to Vegas. I am contemplating a new tattoo. I am having trouble narrowing down what I want. I just need......something beautiful and painful and in your face. LOL I know. Speaking of pathetic...........

I hope y'all had a great weekend. I have a raging ear infection and feel like crap today. Yeehaw - happy Monday to me. ( Oh - and to YOU too!)


  1. I LOVE baby lotion. It's the only kind I use.

    And I'm so sorry about the ear infection. I hope it passes soon and doesn't cause you too much difficulty.

  2. I can think of worse things to be addicted to. :)
