Wednesday, July 13, 2011

On Anniversaries

Two years ago today I started working at my place of employment. I am a lucky girl - in that I love my job. And it  is  a J-O-B. For me, anyway. There are people who work where I work who have careers.  They are nurses, doctors, social workers, therapists of all kinds ( speech, physical, occupational, sensory, developmental, behavioral...) and then there's me. Now granted, there are others like me - support staff - is what they call us. I am officially the "Admissions Specialist"...which is a nice way of saying pee-on who happens to do all the grunt work before a consumer can be seen. I do the initial intake, the admissions paperwork when they have their first appointment, chase down referrals and prescriptions for service, explain fees and services and oh BTW answer the phone. A LOT. ALL DAY LONG. I am underpaid, unappreciated, and basically a second class citizen where the pecking order is concerned.

And yet - I love my job.

I have met a lot of really inspiring people. People who have either been born with - or somehow been afflicted with - a disability of some kind. People who fight every day of their lives for some sort of quality of life. People who sometimes are the ones treated like second class citizens for no other reason than their bodies don't work quite like they should. People who for the most part are happy, and grateful for whatever help or services we can give them.

I have met a lot of really inspiring people. People who dedicate their lives to helping people with disabilities have a better quality of life. They are therapists and doctors and social workers and nurses, yes - they are people who get paid to help people with disabilities have a better quality of life - but they care. Genuinely. Deeply and profoundly care and would do anything to help.

I have met a lot of really inspiring people. People who have become friends ....people who have become family....people who have heroes.

So - today I celebrate my good fortune. It's my good fortune to have a job where people are just happy to be alive, happy to help people live happily. It just doesn't get much better than that.

Happy Anniversary to me.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all you do to make the work possible. Happy anniversary.
