Sunday, July 10, 2011

On Turning 49

So my birthday was Friday. * Happy  Birthday to me....lala lahlah la la...*

As a child I had to share my birthday. Not even on  my birthday. You see, I grew up living really close to my extended family. One cousin had a birthday on the 4th, one on the 5th, one on the 6th, 7th and mine is the 8th, another on the 9th and 10th. Whew.  It seemed that on the 4th of July was the easiest time for a family get-together, so we always had a birthday party then too. There was always one cake- almost always shaped like a flag. All 7 of us had to crowd around a 9x13 cake and try to blow out candles that weren't necessarily the right number. I mean - imagine adding all of our ages up and putting that number on the cake. No way.

So - my birthday never felt special. That means that I am - as an adult - a big kid at my birthday. This year I turned 49. Ick. I'm almost to the big five-oh. Double Ick.

Any-way. This year I turned 49 - and I felt oh so special.

I got lots of beautiful gaudy funky stretch rings - I got lots of cards and a cake from my bff - and I had an excellent slumber party with my sweet little grand daughters. We had blueberry pancakes for dinner, did our nails, watched The Wizard of Oz (a first for them) and had popped corn. We stayed up too late - slept in on Saturday morning - and then Saturday night my sweet husband took me to the Fever game and out for dinner. It was a very special birthday.

I guess turning 49 was fun - and I'm looking forward to turning 50.

I never thought I would ever say THAT. LOL.


  1. It sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day. I'm glad you felt special.

    My birthday is two days after Christmas. I always got shafted as well. "This gift is for your birthday AND Christmas." Like I'm not worth remembering twice. Could I at least get a card for one? One year my parents actually forgot.

    I'm feeling your pain. Sorry.

  2. Happy Birthday for Friday. Your age is just a number that keeps getting bigger.

    While I never had to share my birthday with anyone it was close enough after Christmas that I often got birthday presents at Christmas time, especially if it was needed for me to use a special Christmas present.
