Friday, July 15, 2011

On "Step" Parenting.

The hardest job in the world - I think - is being a parent. Of course I say being a Mom is the hardest - because I am  a Mom - but I'm sure that being a Dad is hard too. I just have to speak from the perspective of a Mom.

I have two biological children and two "step" children. I don't use that classification very often because it doesn't really mean anything to me. So I didn't give birth to what? So sue me. I still love them. I still care for them. I still raised them and feel as though they are MY children. So why insist on adding that classification - the word "STEP" in front of it? But some people do. Endlessly. Relentlessly. At really painful times. Just to BE hurtful.

I can't help that my husband and his first wife didn't make a success of their marriage. I can't help that his first wife didn't want custody of their children. I didn't know either one of them till way way after that decision was made. So I can't understand why her family chooses to shout from the roof tops to anyone and everyone that will listen that the kids are NOT my kids and don't you forget it.

Why do they feel that as their "STEP" Mother I should not be loved by them?

If I was mis-treating them - I would bet my bottom dollar they would shout from the roof tops to anyone and everyone that would listen that I didn't  love them.

It's that catch 22.

It's that rock and a hard place.

It's awful.

Because the truth is, I love them. I will always love them. And I won't apologize for that.


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