Monday, July 25, 2011

On Being CRAZY

I just want to stand back about 4 feet and yell " ARE YOU EFFING CRAZY??" Right in my son's face.


I've said it.

My bi-polar son has decided to stop taking his medication because, well, he feels better so he doesn't need it. And he's decided to not go to the therapist anymore because, well, the therapist is an idiot and doesn't know shit from shine-Ola anyway so who needs him?

As if that isn't bad enough - he has knocked up his new girlfriend. You know - the one he knew for three weeks and fell in love with so he moved in with her then got thrown out of there because he was an idiot and didn't do anything with his money but drink and buy video games instead of paying the bills and then he managed to talk his way back into the house with her and now they are in LOVE and getting married and oh yeah having a baby but he isn't even divorced from his wife yet. ~~shoo-weee~~

And I just want to slap his smart smug little face and yell " ARE YOU EFFING CRAZY????"

Because truly - this is a baaaaaaaaaaaad idea.


And he wants support and excitement from us ( his Dad and I) and I just can't muster it. But I tried. I tried to be a teensy bit supportive and it bit me in the ass when my husband got royally pissed at me for being supportive.


And in my heart I'm thinking " yippee. I love me some grand babies"  But my brain is thinking "NO FRIGGIN WAY " This is so not a good idea and I'm so messed up in the head about it I don't even know what to say. How can you be supportive when you know its the wrong thing to do? And I know. I KNOW. I GET IT. She's pregnant and what the EFF is there to do about it? Nothing. And I want to be excited about the baby but I can't be excited about the baby because this is just wrong.


Thanks for listening. It feels better to get it off my chest.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I mean, seriously. Wow. What a mess. I'm sorry. I don't have anything else to offer except that I'm sorry.

    It's so tough to be a parent and support your child when they make choices that just make you want to cry.

    Best wishes as you find your way.
